The 4 Best Mobile Marketing
Strategies of 2016

There is no doubt about the importance of mobile marketing in 2016 as the users tend to browse and interact more and more on their mobile device. So where to start?


Beyond having a responsive website or an app, what makes a mobile marketing successful? In this post we will discuss 4 of the most effective mobile marketing strategies according to the renowned Forbes Magazine. These are optimized to the behavior of mobile users in order to increase sales and retention.

1. Optimize for micro-moments

As Jayson de Mers describes it in Forbes Magazine, more and more users “turn to their mobile devices for quick, in-the-moment advice, help or information”.


In fact people need information on the go, for instance when you want to use public transportation you will use an app to find out when the next train is departing.

“Google has termed these “micro-moments” and has differentiated 4 type of micro moment:

  1. I-want-to-know moments: e.g., “What is the capital of Washington State?
  2. I-want-to-go moments: e.g., “Where is the nearest grocery store?”
  3. I-want-to-do moments: e.g., “How do I cook a turkey?”
  4. I-want-to-buy moments: e.g., “Adidas CourtVantage sneakers”

Anticipation is the key for business that wants to use this strategy as they need to identify the information that their users are likely to research and make the delivery user friendly.

2. Use QR codes to streamline user experience

As seen with the micro moment strategies, the users want to find the relevant information quickly and seamlessly. QR codes are a great way to increase the speed of reach.

One of the most popular uses of QR codes among consumers is for comparison-shopping. According to a 2014 Harris poll (cited by Harvard Business Review), 24% of respondents said they use their smartphone to scan an item’s QR code to compare prices online and in-store.

Ideally a QR Code is a shortcut to specific information like a customer survey, a product page of your e-shop, a landing page for a new campaign etc…

Make sure that the use of QR code really improves your digital efficiency by easing the users life and not making it more complicated.

3. Use hyperlocal marketing to connect at the city and neighborhood-level

“More than ever before, consumers are turning to their smartphones for location-specific information.” (Forbes) Not only the user seek information when transiting, but also on a “hyperlocal” level.

Here are some ways you can use hyperlocal marketing:

  1. Get your mobile site or app ranking for location-based keywords (don’t forget to optimize for street and neighborhood names, not just cities)
  2. Get listed in local directories and review sites (like Google My Business,
  3. Use hyperlocal advertising to geographically target your ads to mobile users in your area
  4. Contribute to local publications (e.g., community newsletters, local newspapers, etc.)
  5. Work on getting mentions, links and reviews on local blogs

Hyperlocal digital strategies will help you increase your sales, your visibility and your brand equity.

4. Use SMS marketing to connect with users on-the-fly

SMS Marketing is taking new dimensions. The falling opening rate of email newsletters has pushed business to come even closer to their prospect and customers.

Forbes quotes that “according to Venture Beat, the open rate for text-based promotions is 98%. Compare this to around 20% for traditional email campaigns.

According to SlickText, the average click-through rate (CTR) for text marketing messages is 36% – compared to email’s 6-7%.

And research suggests the use of mobile coupons is only going to grow over the next few years. According to Juniper Research, there will be approximately 1.05 billion mobile coupon users by 2019.

These statistics clearly demonstrate a high potential, however business owner and marketing manager are unsure about the way they should unleash this potential.

Forbes provides four ways that make a SMS Marketing campaign efficient

  1. Offer a valuable incentive for signing up: Many people are understandably reluctant to hand over their phone number. Offering a significant discount can be enough to quell this reluctance.
  2. Publicise sales and events: Send bite-sized announcements for product launches or other promotions.
  3. Send appointment reminders for service-based businesses: Increase appointment show rates by sending timely reminders.
  4. Customer surveys (the shorter the better!):g., “We want to know how we did! Reply and let us know.”


Mobile marketing allows you to directly participate in your customers’ journey. By being present for their micro-moments, streamlining their mobile experience, and providing timely communications via SMS, mobile marketing should be a key part of every business’s marketing strategy.

What is the best mobile strategy for your business ?

Do you need some help to find out ? Contact us and Mobile Marketing will help you find the right strategy for your business!